Thursday, October 06, 2011

Why Do Penguin's Not Play Football Anymore?

Over in my Country which is the United Kingdom we call Soccer "Football"! Today I went on a Big Server so there would be lots of Penguins to play Footie with but when I got to the Stadium there was NO PENGUINS PLAYING!!! I got quite sad because I haven't played Football in a while so I was so disappointed :( Here I tried to get some Penguins to play with me but It didn't work :(
...Please if you ever come to the Stadium your supposed to Play Games, Work at the Snack Shop, Watch the Teams Play or Be A Judge! And it's seems to be only penguins organising Proms, Being Silly and Mean, Working at Snack Shop sometimes, getting a date or Opening invisible Lockers! I don't mind if you do these things somewhere else but please never be MEAN!!! So what I am trying to say is everytime you come to the Stadium Please join in and play Football or start your own game of Football! Thanks Hopefully now that you've read this post you now will Start Playing Football at the Stadium and having fun!!!

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