Saturday, October 15, 2011

It Now Gets Dark at Quarter to 6

Right now I'm just in my Bedroom watching videos on You Tube and reading other Penguin Blogs. I looked outside and saw it kind of getting dark now and then I looked at the Time on my clock and saw that it's only quarter to 6!!! I was really surprised and I was hoping it wouldn't get dark too soon, but it did. I like Day better than Night But sometimes I like Night because it's so warm and you can watch TV for the rest of the Day :) I was going to get my membership today but when I asked my mum can we go it was at 5:00pm which was too late to go :( So Mum said we'll go tomorrow to get it! LOL my mum their now shouted me and my brother to come into the sitting room and see this funny advert on TV it was 3 Pug Dogs standing on top of each other to put petrol into the car while the Man who owned the car wasn't looking Ha Ha it's so Funny!

I don't know what Picture I should put in this post so I did no Picture

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