Saturday, October 29, 2011

Browser Chrome Game Angry Birds!!!

If you go to the Google Chrome Web Store you can by all sorts of games including Angry Birds which you can also play on your iPod Touch or iPhone. Just lately I've Installed the Game Angry Birds from the the Chrome Web Store. It's a really FUN GAME all you have to do is have the Web Browser called Google Chrome and go to there Web Store go to Entertainment and find the Game called Angry Birds then Install it and then you can start playing for FREE!
...I was lately on You Tube looking at Angry Mini Movies and here's a really Cool Mini Movie you can watch. The Video is 4 minutes 19 Seconds which is not long...
It's an Halloween Video for Angry Birds and it's also really Funny what you think about it?

New Chat and New Friends are Here By Billybob :)

This is a Message from Billybob:

Hello Penguins!
I'm excited to say... the new Chat Friends and Chat are available now! 
The team has been working really hard on these new features for you guys. This is all brand new technology for Club Penguin, and we're really excited to finally share it with you!
Here are a few brand new things we've added:

  • New Chat: Chatting with your friends is now easier than ever. It's way faster to make sentences by clicking the word blocks as they appear:

  • Pictures of Friends: Now you'll see pictures of your friends instead of just a list of names. So it's faster than ever to see all your friends' outfits!

  • Tag your Best Friends: It's way easier to keep track of your best friends now. You can make someone a best friend on your list by clicking the little medal above their picture. Check it out:

Find your Friends Faster: It's so much easier to find friends, because now you can search for them. Just type in your friend's name, then send them a friend request. They don't have to be logged in to get your request!

As I said before, this is brand new technology, so there may be some hiccups. We're going to do everything we can to make sure that it's running as smoothly as possible for you guys. Thanks for your patience as we continue to make Club Penguin even better!
Let us know what your favorite feature is in the comments below. And be sure to let us know what you'd like to see added in the future! We've got a few more exciting additions to the Friends list coming in the next few weeks... 
Until then... Waddle On!
-Club Penguin Team
By Billybob
Thanks Lane for Telling us all the New Features you've given us for the New Chat System and Friends Card. I hopefully very soon the Team will get all those Buggies Fixed but for now lets just enjoy the Halloween Party while it's here :) 

Friday, October 28, 2011

New Chat System in Club Penguin :)

The new way to chat is now here in Club Penguin :) I LOVE this new Feature as now it helps so many penguins to spell if there not sure of how to spell a word....LOL...:)

6th Year Anniversary Party is now Over :(

The 6th Year Anniversary Party is now over so now all the penguins who didn't get a chance to met Aunt Arctic I'm very sorry maybe next year. The Decorations were so so Cool but now that's all over and now were more excited about the Halloween Party again!
...The Coffee Shop inside is also back to normal too...

Coming Soon: New Chat and Friends!

Sorry for not posting for a few days I've been busy...
This Message is from Billybob:
Hello Penguins!

Hope everyone had a chance to enjoy the Anniversary Party! Make sure you check out the new Yearbook over in the Book Room.

Last month I posted a video blog where I mentioned that we're working on a brand new Friends experience. I also mentioned the new Chat system that some of you helped test on Beta Team.

Guess what? We're getting ready to launch them both very soon! These are two of the biggest system improvements we've ever made, so we're incredibly excited to share them with you. Here's a sneak peek of the new Friends icon in the tool-bar:

While I can't say too much just yet, I will say this... the new Friends and Chat will make it way easier for you to connect with your friends on Club Penguin. We'll have more info soon, so stay tuned!

Until then... Waddle On!

-Club Penguin Team

By Billybob

More Soon...

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Mancala BUG!

Today I was in the Bookroom Quietly Reading all the Interesting Books Club Penguin had.
...I really enjoyed this book BUT when I finished reading it, I closed it and this is what I saw...
...I saw two penguins (Pingo12333 and Lager2002) playing a game of Mancala with a Weird Bug. The Board Game was about to fall off the Dark Brown Mini Table onto the Lovely Floor that belong to the Bookroom. I was quiet sad that It was nearly falling, because if it did their Game would be a MESS and they would have to start all over AGAIN. 
...I hope this weird bug will not been seen by the Penguin Eyes Ever Again :)

Club Penguin 2012 Calendar :)

Here is Disney Club Penguin 2012 Official Calendar...
...Here's the Month June in the Calendar showing the Music Jam Party Style...
...Here's what it looks like on the back of the Calendar showing all the different pictures in each months... Club Penguin is a virtual world aimed at children from 6 - 14, where they can interact with all the Club Penguin characters as well as children of their own age. Bring these characters to life with our official 2012 calendar.

HAPPY Birthday Club Penguin!!!

This message is from Billybob:

Hello Penguins!

It's Club Penguin's birthday today! I hope you're all having fun celebrating at the Anniversary Party. Make sure you pick up the rare party hat while it's here! It's only available at the Coffee Shop TODAY!

This party is about celebrating you guys. You've helped make Club Penguin fun for so many people around the world. Thanks for being so amazing!

Until then... Waddle On!

- Club Penguin Team
By Billybob on October 24 2011

Thank You Club Penguin!!! And Yes I am having fun during the Party and I've enjoyed getting the Rare Party Hat! HAPPY 6th ANNIVERSARY CLUB PENGUIN THE 24TH OF OCTOBER IS A SPECIAL DAY FOR US ALL!!!! :)

Monday, October 24, 2011

I met Aunt Arctic on Aurora :)

HURRAY :) This was my first time meting her! It was not really crowed at first but then more and more penguins became to come and join the FUN! It was really amazing to met her :)
...It was hard to see her but I know she was there because she was on the Users in the Room thing in our friends cards! I was the one in this Picture who said "HI AUNT ARCTIC!"
...Next she took us to the Book room and If you look closely you can see Aunt Arctic. Sorry for the Picture being fuzzy It was just really slow if I put it at normal picture.
...We put hearts for her and she asked us all different questions :)
...I got her Stamp on a different server but I couldn't find her but then I found her on an English server which was much, much easier to understand! I was really happy I got her Stamp because she was the first very rare Penguin I've ever met!!
...Here's how her Background looks on my Player Card I love the new Background it's really pretty...
...Here's how her stamp looks on my Stamp Book it really pretty with my other Stamps!

Club Penguin Nominated for Bafta Kids "VOTE"

Club Penguin has been Nominated for Bafta Kids VOTE in the Web Category :) The Bafta Kids Vote if only for people in the United Kingdom, So Lucky me I do live in United Kingdom so I can VOTE! You can help Club Penguin Nominated and I just about to Vote for Club Penguin :)
 ...In Each Category you can only Vote once which is really sad because in the Website Category I liked all those Websites expect for Miniclip because I've never heard of but I'm going to search it and Google and see what you do on it!


Storm BUG in Club Penguin!

Club Penguin is right now has a Lightning Storm and Dark Clouds are in our beautiful Sky BUT…
…if you look into the binoculars or…
…the telescope you will see clear Blue Sky!
…I Think the Lightning Storm in the Binoculars and Telescope is REALLY COOL so I hope Club Penguin fixes this Bug before the Halloween Party is over!

My Favourite Outfit of the Month - Club Penguin Style :)

Right now I have an Favourite Outfit in Club Penguin. I've never actually put all these Clothes Items together before, which makes it look Super Cool! I Love the Sparkly Emerald Shoes which are supposed to go with the Witch Outfit in this Months Catalog.
...I also Love the T-Shirt Which I Created in the Penguin Style Catalog and Really I just love the Background that what makes this Outfit Halloweenish! Do you wear any of these Clothes Items? Do you like any of these Clothes Items? Answer my Questions in the Comments below :)

Sunday, October 23, 2011

We're Waiting for Aunt Arctic on Server Arctic

Right now I'm on the server Arctic and we're waiting for Aunt Arctic :)
...I was on the server Arctic and I found Saraapril look heres prof...
More Soon...

lloween Party 2011: Don't Miss List!

This Message is by Happy77:

Greetings Penguins! 

Happy77 here. The Halloween Party is in full swing, and we don't want you to miss out on any of the excitement. Here's a quick list:

Halloween Stamps: These ones only be available at the Halloween Party, so see if you can collect them all before they're gone! Here's the stamps you can get, and how to earn them:

  • Trick or Treat - See 10 trick or treat igloos at the party
  • Music Maestro - Solve a musical puzzle at the party
  • Explorer - Visit all the decorated party rooms
  • Scavenger Hunt - Solve a scavenger hunt
  • Monster Mash - Wear a monster costume at the party
  • Happy Room - Make 10 penguins smile in a party room
  • Path Finder - Complete a maze at a party
  • Snack Shack - Serve snacks from a booth, using any food emote
  • Gary - Be in the same room as Gary

Igloo Contest: You can send in your spooky Halloween igloos until October 25. Click on the "Submit" button in your igloo once you've finished decorating your igloo. The judges have already found some amazing igloos out there! Make sure you don't change your igloo design until the winners have been announced. Check out this awesome igloo from Yann51300:

Haunted Mansion: All penguins can visit the Haunted Mansion at the party! The ghost costume is available inside the Haunted Mansion, so don't forget to pick that up.  

Night of the Living Sled Live: Make sure you check out the newest play at the Stage, where you can find a few extra Halloween costumes, like the new Sled costume! 

We'd love to hear your favorite part of the Halloween Party so far. Leave your feedback in the comments below! 

Until next time...Waddle On! 

-Club Penguin Team

By Happy77 on October 22 2011 05:21

More soon...

Club Penguin Yearbook 2010 - 2011 is Released!

Yay! The Club Penguin Yearbook for 2010 and 2011 has been released and there so many Great Memories :)
...And it's PINK! PINK IS MY FAVOURITE COLOUR THANK YOU CLUB PENGUIN SOOOO... MUCH! I can't wait to see what Club Penguin have in store for us in the Magical Pink Book :) If you put your mouse or the book then click I'll change pages :)

How to Get the Anniversary Party Hat CHEATS!

The 6th Years Anniversary Party Hat is Black, Green, Purple, Orange and Black again. You can find it here in the Coffee Shop inside the Balloon above the Cake!
...Click on the pointy thing with the Pumpkin Face on it beside the Book...
...Then you should se the Anniversary Hat set on the Table...
...You have found a 6Th Anniversary Hat. Would you like to pick it up? Yes Please...
...Now you can where all you want!...


...CAKE! Spooky Decorations! Is it Ok to eat the Cake?

More Soon...

6th Year Anniversary Party in Club Penguin :)

Disney Club Penguin Celebration of 6 YEARS IF FUN in Club Penguin! I can't wait to see Aunt Arctic because she seems to be very rare to find but it kind of easy I think but it not because since shes can only but found in the Coffee Shop but still hard to find. I can't wait till we get the Cake and the Party Hat :)
...It'll be so much FUN to Celebrate Club Penguin Anniversary Party with Aunt Arctic as we do Every Year :)

Friday, October 21, 2011

Halloween Wallpaper 2011 Club Penguin!

This is the most scaryist cartoon Halloween Wallpaper I've ever seen!!!!
What about you?

Club Penguin Pin Cheats!

The Crystal Ball Pin is the latest pin club penguin has brought to us. You can find it on any server at the Hidden Lake beside the 2 waterfalls.
You have found a Crystal Ball Pin. Would you like to pick it up? Yes Please!
Crustal Ball Pin has been added to your inventory. Ok Thanks!
Here's how it looks on my Player. While since I'm showing you my Player I really love the Purple Dress, Pumpkin Trick or Treat Basket, the Ghost Background and of course the Crystal Ball Pin!
...See earlier Halloween Fence Pin :)